August 3, 2009

NEWS: Injunction petition by JaeChunSu is approved

SM엔터테인먼트, 동방신기 3인 전속계약 효력정지 가처분신청 확인!

에스엠엔터테인먼트가 동방신기 멤버인 김재중, 김준수, 박유천의 전속계약 효력정지 가처분 신청의 건이 접수됐음을 확인했다고 3일 공시했다.

에스엠은 곧 변호인을 선임, 적극적으로 대처해 나갈 것이라고 밝혔다.

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 연예팀

I don't have the full translation of that article yet but according to one member @soompi, "An injuction is like, a the form of a court order. It means that they may not be required to do things as strictly stated in their contracts. if sme fails to comply to this court order, they may be the ones paying tvxq damages."

From various discussions at soompi, it seemed as if SM has gotten themselves a lawyer too and would face the disposition case against them. And base from that article above, I think the court only gave a provisional injunction meaning, this case is going to go under trial anytime soon.

Though JaeChunSu already expressed their stand against the disbandment issues, many are still apprehensive about the ongoing clash between them and SM management. All we can do is wait and still hope for the best, not only for them but to all the artists who would be benefiting from this cause in the long run.

To those who can help with the translation of the article above, please do leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated.



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